Munay Ki Rites
March 13- May 15
Thursday Evenings| 6:00 PM -9:00 PM
Munay translates as Heart or “Universal Love” in Quechua and Ki translates as “energy”.
The Munay-Ki Rites are energetic transmissions ( activations, awakenings) that catapult us on our journeys of healing the wounds of the past and clearing self-limiting beliefs we inherited through genetics or environment.
Hailing from the ancient traditions of the Andes and the Amazon, these rites awaken new light codes in your DNA and luminous energy fields. They allow each recipient to create new lives with new possibilities.
The Munay Ki Rites are as follows:
This rite links us to a lineage of ancient healers who guide us in our personal transformation. To heal others, we must first transform our own wounds into wisdom and compassion. This lineage supports us on our journey toward harmony and well-being.
This rite connects our inner nature with mother nature. These are five energetic belts woven through the body with the essence of each element: earth, water, fire, air, and pure light. These bands act as filters for dissolving negative and heavy energies.
This rite resets our instincts so we can maintain physical and emotional integrity.
This rite establishes new neural networks between the visual cortex, third eye, and the heart. Allowing the recipient to view deeper intuition from a place of love and compassion.
This rite initiates us to a lineage of midwives of life and death. These medicine men and women are connected to sacred altars, the rising of the sun and connection to nature.
This rite attunes us to the snow-capped mountains and teaches us how to dialogue with nature. We’re attuned to a lineage of Shamans (Alto Mesayoks) who are renowned for their ability to call lightning. or their intimate connection with the guardian spirits of the mountains.
This rite attunes us to the ascended masters who communicate with the solar system and stars. They translate these transmissions into digestible wisdom for their people.
This transmission awakens us to the perception of our possible future. It opens the gateway of opportunity for us to be awake in our evolution from homo sapiens' to 'homo luminous'.
This initiation has us own our power as Creators. It teaches us to dream our world into being and is a call to action to create with great love and courage.
This blessed rite connects us to a lineage of women who freed themselves from suffering. This lineage wants us to remember that “the womb is not a place to store fear or pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life”. The womb must be a pure vessel as it bears the generations to come.
Munay Ki Rites
March 13 - May 15
Thursday Evenings| 6:00 PM -9:00